Soren DeOrlow 
IDSN 599, Fall 2021 deorlow@usc.edu 
Lab practical 1 

print("Hello, hello!")
name = input("What is your name?: ")
print("Hi " + name.title() + "!")
love = input("What is a four legged companion that you love: ")
print("What's love got to do with a " + love.lower() + "?!")
print("What is your favorite number of" ' ' + love.lower() +"s" +"? ")
number = int(input())
print("You would love to have" + " " + str(number) + " " + love.lower() + "s" + "?!")
answer = input ("yes or no?")
num1 = int(number)
num2 = 4
mul = (num1*4)
sum = (mul+number+number)
print("Imagine if you had", sum, "of them!")
print("One day", name.title(),"fell in love with a",love.lower())
print(name.title(), "loved them so much that", name.title(), "decided to say", answer.title(), "to getting another",love.lower())
print("Eventually,", name.title(), "adopted so many that the town declared",name.title(),"the ultimate",love.lower(),"person!")
print("With a total of",str(sum), love.lower(), "s" ,"there was no doubt that",name.title(),"was the ultimate",love.lower(),"lover!")